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Hot Topic

What way will the Lord come?

The second coming of Christ can be divided into two stages.
The first stage is His secret coming. "But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation." This means that initially He is not accepted by mainstream society.
The second stage is His public appearance. During this stage, "as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west." He will conquer the world with the sword from His mouth.

  • How can we discern the true returning Christ?
  • How will Christ come again? Will He still come in the flesh?
  • How will Christ come both secretly and on the clouds?
  • How will believers be taken up in the clouds to meet Christ?

How to Eradicate Sin

It's not that we become sinners only when we commit sins; rather, our innate sinful nature drives us to sin. Therefore, everyone is a sinner. We all have sinful nature such as selfishness, pride, envy, greed, and anger, which drives us to commit various sins. The sinful nature is deeply hidden in our thoughts. Without learning wisdom and repenting, we cannot enter the kingdom of God.

  • What kind of person is considered a sinner?
  • Where does the original sin come from?
  • Can the sinful nature be completely eradicated?
  • How can we truly enter the kingdom of heaven?

Saving Satan

Satan used to be an angel as well, and he was also spiritual. However, he fell from grace due to jealousy. Satan has been lost and fallen for a long time, and his wickedness runs deep, making it difficult for him to free himself. Nevertheless, God won't abandon him forever, even if it takes millions of years. God is merciful, just, and almighty.

  • Why did Satan fall?
  • What traits of Satan should we be wary of?
  • Why does God release Satan after binding him for a thousand years in the Book of Revelation?
  • Will God save Satan?
  • What way will the Lord come?

  • How to Eradicate Sin

  • Saving Satan


Age of Law

Ten Commandments

And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments.

Age of Grace

Justification by Faith

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Age of Truth

Judgment at the Second Coming

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

Voice of Truth

Second Coming

  • What kind of people can enter heaven?
  • Why did angels fall?
  • Is there salvation for those who go to hell after the final judgment?
  • How will the returning Christ work on Earth?
  • Who are the 144,000?

Way Truth Life

  • Does the Bible reveal the law of cause and effect?
  • Not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.
  • How should we understand the Trinity?

Insightful Interpretation of the Bible

  • How can we achieve unity of knowledge and action?
  • What does it mean to deny oneself? How can we achieve "perfection"?
  • What are the signs of the coming of the Son of Man and the end of the current age?

Edgar Cayce's Prophecies

  • As Cayce discovered, the concept of reincarnation does not conflict with Christianity.
  • Cayce has provided over 2,000 life readings in his life.
  • Does reincarnation serve as the cornerstone of life readings?
  • What does it mean to be a Christian?
  • As revealed in the readings, the interplay of karma, free will, destiny, and grace, determines your future.

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《 Letter to Those Who Tend to Judge Other Churches》
