Don’t hate others"You have heard th....
Gospel Q & A
Question: Pastor, 2000 years has passed since Jesus first came to preach the gospel.
Did those who were persecuted to death for being witnesses of the Lord and preaching the gospel, ascend to heaven right after death, or wait in the world of the dead to resurrect until the Christ returns?
Answer: Over the past 2000 years, many disciples have sacrificed their lives for the sake of preaching the gospel.
These people must have ascended to heaven right after death, but did not wait in the world of the dead.
When the Christ returns, they will come down with Him from heaven, and reincarnate to save the world.
There are many Christians who have also been repenting.
However, because of what they have done, they are not completely qualified to ascend to heaven. They are almost there.
So, they have to continue to reincarnate into humans and keep practicing.
They can ascend to heaven after death till they are completely qualified.
This shows the mercy, justice and righteousness of God.
Gospel Q & A01
Don’t hate others"You have heard th....
Gospel Q & A07
24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom wil....
Gospel Q & A05
Look, "I have other sheep that are ....
Gospel Q & A03
Primitive Christianity Believed in Reinc....